New Hope Community Church

Better Together: Church family - unleashing the power of all

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
“Better Together: How We Partner to do God’s Work”We all enjoy being part of a church family where God is working in mighty ways, but that doesn’t happen by accident. God tells us in His Word how He wants us to do His work together. If we follow His plan, we’ll receive great blessings and be a blessing to the world! Join us as we turn to His Word and learn how God positions us as His people so that we will be “Better Together.”Better Together: “Church family - unleashing the power of all”#1. The reason for the churchMatthew 16: 18Ephesians 2: 17-22Acts 2: 44#2. The way God designed it to work-it’s covenantal, not contractual-it’s relational, not organizational-it’s total, not partial Some one anothers in God’s Word:honor one another- Romans 12: 10be devoted to one another - Romans 12: 10wait for one another - I Corinthians 11: 33serve one another - Galatians 5: 13be kind to one another - Ephesians 4: 32rejoice with one another - I Corinthians 12: 26weep with one another - Romans 12: 15submit to one another - Ephesians 5: 21do not judge one another - Romans 14: 13regard one another as more important than yourself – Philippians 2: 3do not lie to one another - Colossians 3: 9accept one another - Romans 15: 7instruct one another - Romans 15: 14greet one another - I Peter 5: 14forgive one another – Colossians 3: 13care for one another - I Corinthians 12: 25don’t speak against one another - James 4: 11pray for one another - James 5: 16confess your sins to one another- James 5: 16fellowship with one another- I John 1: 7 I Corinthians 12: 12-21Ephesians 4: 11-16#3. How it looks at New HopeProverbs 29: 18Becoming a partnerDiscovery ClassFollow-up visit BaptismMembership commitment Being a partnerWorshipGrow ServeStarting Point:Weekend worship, Growth Group, MinistryNext Level: Daily quiet time, 1 on 1 discipling, Sharing Christ