New Hope Community Church

Principle of Sanctification

New Hope Community Church, Ric Garland
"Sanctification” means “to set apart." 1. KNOW Romans 6: 1-10 The word "baptism" literally means "to immerse." Three things to know: - I am identified with Christ. - I am dead to sin. - I am alive in Christ. 2. EVALUATE Romans 6: 11-12 Are you putting the truth - that the old self is powerless and that you are identified with the resurrection power of Christ - to practice in your life? 3. YIELD Romans 6: 13. Four steps to follow daily: 1. DENY – To refrain from satisfying one's desires or needs 2. DIE – Be willing to place yourself under the authority of Christ – daily 3. DECIDE – I will by faith, believe Him (be a companion, hang out, follow after) 4. DISCIPLINE - Apply the principles of God’s Word to your life