New Hope Community Church

Freedom Through Forgiveness

New Hope Community Church, Joe Schenke
Luke 17: 1-5 What is Biblical Forgiveness? Forgiveness is canceling a debt. Forgiveness is a decisive promise. Forgiveness is part of the total reconciliation process. Forgiveness is two-sided. (1) Get forgiveness (2) Give forgiveness Forgiveness is conciliatory. Forgiveness is costly. What Forgiveness is not: A Feeling An Apology Forgetting Forgiving God Forgiving Self Why Should We Forgive? God has forgiven us! We are called to a ministry of reconciliation. God has commanded us to forgive. Why Do We Struggle to Forgive? We may not believe we need forgiveness. We don’t believe we are forgivable. The joy of knowing God’s forgiveness has faded. How to Ask for Forgiveness What I did was wrong. It was ____. I should have______. I have asked God to forgive me, will you? With God’s help I am going to change.