New Hope Community Church

The Hardest Things to Give to God: My Secret Sins

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
In a way, we all struggle with turning over our lives to God, but there seems to be some areas that are more difficult than others. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to look at some of those as we talk about “The Hardest Things to Give to God.” This weekend, we’ll start that series by talking about “secret sins.” Some of the most challenging things to give over to the Lord are things that no one else knows is a part of our lives, but God wants to give you victory in that part of your life. Ask Him to speak to your heart as we study His Word today. The Hardest Things to Give to God: My Secret Sins1. We all have them2. What they do to usExcuses we make about themNobody is perfect 1 John 1: 8, Romans 6: 23Everyone else is doing itMy choice isn’t hurting anyone else1 Thessalonians 4: 3-8Proverbs 15: 3Numbers 32: 233. How to have victory over themProverbs 29: 1Steps to victory over secret sins1. Acknowledge what you are doing2. Determine to live for God’s glory Proverbs 15: 3Colossians 3: 17, 23-241 Corinthians 10: 313. Accept that your actions impact others4. Bring it out to the light of day5. Rely upon God’s graceEphesians 5: 11-13Numbers 32: 23