New Hope Community Church

Forgiveness: Do I Need It?

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
We all have done so much wrong in our lives. Don’t you sometimes wish you could take a big washcloth and clean it all off of your life? There’s Good News! God says in His Word that He offers to us the opportunity to experience complete forgiveness. The next few weeks, we’re going to explore what God’s Word has to say about forgiveness.Forgiveness: Do I Need It?1. What is sin? the main definitions for sin in the Bible:a. missing the mark (Romans 3: 23)b. iniquity (Genesis 3: 1-3)c. lawlessness, transgression (Ten Commandments)d. abomination (Leviticus 18: 22)#2. How bad is sin?two challenges to understanding sin:a. we’ve been comparing with wrong person (James 2: 10-11)b. sin is more dangerous than we realized- affects all of us (I Timothy 1: 15)- affects every part of who we are(Ephesians 2: 3 – sinners by nature, Psalm 51: 4 – sinners by choice)- can hide out inside of us (Matthew 5: 27-28)- one is enough to keep us from God (James 2: 10-11)#3. What does sin do?two big concerns we should have about the impact of sin:a. eternal separation (Hebrews 9: 27)b. daily fellowship (I John 1: 9)