New Hope Community Church

I'm In: "I SHARE"

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Over the last several weeks, we’ve been learning the things that the Lord has called us to partner together and do as a church family. Thisweekend, we’re going to finish out this important series by talking about the most important assignment that God has given us to accomplish inour lifetime.Summary of messages in series:I’m In: You Can Count on Me…#1. I PRAY#2. I CARE#3. I SERVE#4. I GIVEI'm In: “I Share”#1. The reasons we share – II Corinthians 5: 17-19a. we have been changed – v. 17Matthew 4: 19 b. we have been called – v. 18c. people need the Lord – v. 19John 3: 17-18#2. How God calls us to share - Matthew 28:18-202 ways to understand this verse:a. as you are goingb. go (command)#3. How we do this together at New Hope – Acts 16: 14-15ways we partner together at New Hope to share Jesus:a. each of us being led by God’s Spirit dailyb. encouraging those God brings to our worship servicesc. church-wide eventsd. doing ministry in the community togethere. letting God use our personal resources for ministryf. being a part of “Prime Time”g. being sensitive to those who need Jesus as we do ministry25% of North America lives within 250 miles of Albany, NY